Where technology meets consciousness.

From people, to plants, to people

But in nature, organisms form communities, the ecosystems, in which the waste of one species is food for the next, so that matter cycles continually through the ecosystem."
Our values

A novel biomaterial and a decentralized farm-to-market production scheme. Thus, we create bio-based products that are sustainable throughout their lifecycle, at competitive selling prices, even on small scales.

Suppliers that maximize their crop’s output without any additional investment, with customers that don't sacrifice aesthetics, functionality or costs in their packaging.

The way we see resource waste. We can deliver full impact responsibility to our partners, which reduces their environmental footprint and engages customer’s end users in interactive ways.
The Problem:
The Linear Economy




Corn husk is our main raw material. But our technology is versatile and can be adapted to alternative biomass sources and allows co-creation of products with customers.
Our biomaterial is similar to cardboard, but with greater functionality.
Suitable for microwave, oven, freezer and resistant up to 36 hours in contact with liquids.
Our production scheme is modular and scalable. It is a 100% mechanical technology, that is, there is no chemical cooking of the raw materials.

Let's grow together? Buy our products here:

Who we are
Our team, with their passion and talent, is the core of our business. Our connections are our support.
Our team
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From people, to people.
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